Product Management Stories
The complexity of Product Management can discourage young professionals and aspiring individuals from pursuing a career in the field. The purpose of this Podcast is to demystify the complexity of Product Management for young Product Managers or people who want to get into Product Management.
The Podcast provides valuable insights into the journeys of successful Product Managers, which helps the audience understand the skills, tools, and techniques they need to develop to become successful Product Managers.
Product Management Stories
50 - Product Roadmaps and Decision Making with Phil Hornby (Founder and Director @ for product people)
"Your roadmap sucks" - this is how Phil opened up his keynote at my ProductTank event back in December 2023. His views were so good, I had to get him on the podcast. In this episode we talked about roadmaps, decision making and why the answer always is: It depends.
You can find Phil on Twitter and LinkedIn.
Furthermore check out this:
Website: https://www.forproductpeople.com/
Podcast: https://www.talkingroadmaps.com
Book: https://www.theitdependsbook.com